You must PREPAY for and PRE-RESERVE classes in Mindbody before coming in. You must have a Single Class, Class Pack, or Membership in your account to reserved a class. No drop-ins or in-person transactions.
If you’re new to YC and live/work locally you can request a FIRST FREE CLASS HERE and we will contact you within 48 hours to schedule it. You can’t show up without a Confirmed Email Reservation back from us first, and you can’t reserve it on your own.
Those eligible for SPECIAL PRICING (Students, Seniors 60+, First Responders, Nurses, Teachers, Military) must EMAIL Info@TheYogaConnection.com with at least 24 hours notice to buy classes (not to reserve a class) and have proof of eligibility (School schedule, Work ID, etc) on file. Special Pricing is not available online and must be through us. See Pricing.
Go to Schedule or MindBody to reserve a class up to 2 minutes before and a week ahead. Make sure you are confirmed for the right class. Phone/Email reservations not accepted.
Reservations must be cancelled in Mindbody at least 3 hours before class. You will ONLY be charged if the class is 100% booked and someone misses it as result of your no show/late cancellation. Only then would you be charged $15 (Unlimited Memberships) or have the class deducted (Class Packs or Single Classes). Phone/Email cancellations not accepted.
If a class is full you can choose to be put on a Wait-list. You’ll be added to the class if a spot opens and will be contacted before class starts. If you don’t want it you must remove yourself from the Wait-list.
FRONT DOOR OPENS 10-15 MINUTES BEFORE CLASS and is locked at class time. Please wait outside patiently before being asked to enter while we prepare.
FACE MASKS ARE OPTIONAL. Everyone must sanitize hands and try to stay distanced when possible. Please respect our safety policies.
PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN MAT, TOWEL, WATER, and PROPS (blocks, straps, etc), as we are not offering these currently for safety.
PLEASE STAY FOR THE DURATION OF CLASS. Our front door can’t be left unlocked and the teacher will open for emergencies or if special arrangements were made beforehand.
Our water fountain and showers are available but no tea service yet.
Do not congregate in the hall or lobby and be mindful of others. Please socialize outside. We close 10 minutes after class to sanitize.